
26/04/2013 14:23

I've just read a tweet saying that there's 17,000 young people with dementia. I'd love to know where they are, because I've never seen any. When we go to the hospital we have the other patients try to tell us we're in the wrong ward/waiting room because we look so out of place. They think we're off our rocker - which to some extent is true lol. Our dr's, nurses and the girlies pscyh people have never come across this illness in anyone as young, which just goes to show we can't even get being ill right - if we can do it differently we will lol.

It always upsets and unsettles him when we're in a room full of old people, not because they're old but because it's like an open portal showing him what's to come, never have we seen anyone in our own age bracket.



Topic: Where?

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