Welcome to the rollercoaster that is our lives... thanks Young Onset Dementia (FTD)


Having looked and looked, there really seems nowhere for us to put our hat. Being young (diagnosed at 35) and discovering we have Dementia (an old person's illness), means we don't seem to fit in anywhere. So I decided to make somewhere we do fit in.


"Constantly Trying" is what I seem to be doing all of the time, day in and day out and yet I never seem to hit it just right. Yet, just because something works today, it's not guaranteed that it's going to work tomorrow, so even that rug gets pulled out from under you. Living with dementia is a bit like the film GroundHog Day, infact it's very like the film "GroundHog Day". Same things over and over sometimes with varying outcomes and trying different tactics to get to where you want to be and yet getting "there" means that other things go off on a tangent and you're further away from where you wanted to be when you started - or that's my view anyway lol.


We are a normal family, whatever " normal " is, I always get the impression we're far from normal, but we do try... and this blog is really just a way to let me get down in words some of the things that go on in our house, it might be funny or it might be sad, but writing it down is theraputic, it takes the thoughts from my head ready for the next ones - but like Forrest Gump said "Life is like a box of Chocolates". All that I would ask is to get a few more Caramel Kegs and a few less Coffee/Orange yucky ones, but hey that's life and you just have to get on with it.


All views, thoughts and opinions are that of my own, I'm not medically minded so some of my ramblings are "a dummies guide to" and whilst I hope not to offend, if I do - oops :o)


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