Granny *********

01/06/2013 23:34

The girls were up and ready to go off for an exciting morning with Granny *********. Biggey and middley went skipping off to the car at 9.30am and the knock on the door to drop them off was just after 12pm.

Granny ********* said she had something to tell me... Middley offered "it wasn't my idea" followed by "it wasn't my fault". Non of which made me feel any less sick in the pit of my stomach - my girls are more than capable of getting themselves into trouble or mischief, I'm big enough to admit that.

In the car on the way to the garden centre for their cup of hot chocolate and a piece of cake (I want to go...) Granny ********* mentioned that she had a sore ankle and that she wouldn't mind having a wheelchair to be pushed about it. Granny ********* was to pick up off the floor when biggey arrived at the end of the pansy aisle with a wheelchair, having gone and asked the services counter for one, and had actually signed for it before taking it Granny ********* so that she could be pushed around giving her ankle some reprieve.

Bless her, once she had regained composure, and had stopped laughing, and her embarrassment had gone she duly got into the wheelchair and let biggey push her round for the morning. The most embarrassing moment for my biggey was when returning the wheelchair the woman gave it an inspection to make sure she hadn't done any wheelies or donuts and caused any damage.

Note to Granny *********. My children take things very literally. I remember being pulled to one side to be told that biggey had gotten into trouble at nursery one afternoon because she'd been told to paint an apple. They got upset when she did. My response? "You should have told her to paint a picture of an apple. She did what you asked her to do, it's hardly a three year old's fault if you give her the wrong instructions". 


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